Pre-R6RS Portable syntax-case
R. Kent Dybvig,
Oscar Waddell
The syntax-case macro system implements the restricted high-level
syntax-rules macros of the Revised5 Report
as well as the equally high-level but general-purpose
syntax-case macros.
It also supports a compatible module system that allows import and
export of macro bindings as well as bindings for variables and
The system is documented in Section 3.1 and Chapter 8 of
The Scheme Programming
Language, third edition and in Chapter 9 of the
Chez Scheme Version 7 User's
The former has more introductory material and examples, while the
latter documents some
aspects of the system not covered by the former.
Aspects of the system and its implementation are described in
abstraction in Scheme
the Scope of Syntactic Abstraction
Additional examples of its use are given in
hygienic macros in Scheme with syntax-case.
The portable system is designed to be adaptable with minimal effort to
any Revised5 Report implementation of Scheme, with the
provision of a small set of implementation-dependent hooks to install
the expander.
Included with the portable expander are definitions of each of the
syntactic forms supported by the Revised5 Report.
Along with a reader, the system forms a complete front-end for Scheme.
If the reader and evaluator support source annotations (e.g., file
and line number information), these are handled as well to provide
source-object correlation.
The portable syntax-case implementation consists of one file,
The file psyntax.pp is
an expanded version of the file that may be used for bootstrapping
the system.
See the porting notes in
Please let us know if you successfully port this code to a new Scheme
implementation, and also please allow us to include the hooks you
develop in doing the port in this directory for use by others.
Please also contact us if you have difficulty porting to a new Scheme
implementation or if you discover that the implementation depends on
nonportable features of Chez Scheme in some undocumented way.
Release Notes
Version numbers refer to the version of Chez Scheme from which the
portable version was extracted.
Version 7.3 (2/26/2007)
- The quasiquote form now guarantees that new pairs or vectors
will be allocated any time a nonempty unquote or
unquote-splicing form is used, even if the unquoted object
is itself a constant.
For example, while `(a . b) is equivalent to '(a . b)
and returns a constant pair (the same one each time the
quasiquote expression is evaluated, e.g., in a loop or procedure
called multiple times) `(,'a . ,'b) is equivalent to
(cons 'a 'b) so that a new pair is allocated each time the
quasiquote expression is evaluated.
- The generate-temporaries procedure no longer creates a
gensym but instead creates an ordinary symbol.
The symbols differ in name one from each other over the course of a
run and are given a special "tmp" mark to distinguish them from
other identifiers.
Version 7.1 (8/1/2006)
- syntax now disallows vectors starting with an
ellipsis, e.g., #'#(... foo).
- A new syntax->vector procedure, similar to syntax->list
has been added.
- Support for quasisyntax, unsyntax, and
unsyntax-splicing forms has been added.
Implementations are encouraged to supply hash-backquote
( #` ), hash-comma ( #, ), and
hash-comma-at ( #,@ ) abbreviations for the three new forms.
Version 7.0 (9/2/2005)
- quasiquote now leaves unquote untouched in
`#(a ... unqoute b) rather than trying to treat it as the
equivalent of (list->vector `(a ... . (unquote b))).
- Some portability problems have been eliminated:
#4(---) in syntax-case is now #(---);
a format call has been replaced with a call to
symbol->string; a call to list* has been
replaced with a quasiquote form;
remq is now defined where it is used (update-mode-set);
and dummy definitions have been added (but are commented out) for the
variables defined (assigned) by the system for implementations that
require them.
- syntax-rules now allows fenders.
- Two new derived forms, with-implicit and datum,
and one new procedure, syntax->list, have been added.
See the Chez Scheme Version 7 User's Guide
for descriptions.
- import-only at top level is officially treated as an
- An identifier x imported from a module m is now treated
in the importing context as if the corresponding export identifier had
been present in the import form along with m.
See the Chez Scheme Version 7 User's Guide
for a description of the now current import semantics.
Version 6.9c (9/2/2004)
- Added a meta prefix for definitions that tells the expander that
any variable definition resulting from the definition is to be an
expand-time definition available only on the right-hand sides of other
meta definitions and, most importantly, to transformer expressions.
It is used to define expand-time helpers and other information for use
by one or more syntax-case transformers.
See the comments in the code for examples of its use.
- Added a new definition form alias which
may be used to create aliases from one identifier to another.
(alias new-id old-id) makes
new-id behave like old-id.
It is implemented by mapping new-id
to the same label, which may be old-id itself if old-id
is a top-level identifier.
(This feature was added to support the new import syntax
- Extended the syntax of import to allow for selection and
renaming of imports.
An import form now has the following syntax:
(import spec ...)
Where spec is defined by the following grammar:
spec |  | id |
| | | (only spec id*) |
| | | (except spec id*) |
| | | (add-prefix spec id) |
| | | (drop-prefix spec id) |
| | | (rename spec (new-id old-id)*) |
| | | (alias spec (new-id old-id)*)
only imports only the listed identifiers;
except imports all but the listed identifiers;
add-prefix adds the given prefix to the imports;
drops-prefix drops the given prefix to the imports, which must
all share the given prefix;
rename provides new names for the listed imports; and
alias provides additional names for the listed imports.
- Eliminated separate per-body-form r and mr and with
them the need to destructively update environments.
The per-body-form r and mr did nothing more than control
the extent of let-syntax/letrec-syntax bindings to
prevent things like
(let ()
(let-syntax ((a (identifier-syntax 3)))
(define-syntax b (identifier-syntax a)))
where a is not actually run until expand-time control has left the
let-syntax form.
This kind of thing is harmless, though, and in any case, a is
visible only within the body of the let-syntax form by virtue of the
- Replaced some uses of continuation-passing style in the chi
and parse procedures.
- Cleaned up chi-top-module.
Version 6.9a (5/13/2003)
Version 6.9 (7/12/2002)
- Changed chi-top-module so that definitions and initialization
forms in compiled files are not evaluated (by default) at visit time.
- Recoded generate-id so that generated symbols have a
standard print representation and to avoid ASCII dependencies.
- Extended the syntax of syntax-case patterns to allow a
fixed number of items after an ellipsis.
Ellipses are therefore no longer constrained to appear only at the end
of a list- or vector-structured form, but only one ellipsis can appear
at a given level of a list- or vector-structured form.
For example, (a ... b) matches a list of one or more
elements, with b bound to the last element and
a ... to all but the last element.
- Added a local definition for a one-clause version of let-values
and recoded uses of call-with-values using
- Fixed two bugs in the portable expander.
One resulted in an error in vector-ref when redefining
a variable at top level that was previously imported from a module.
The other caused the wrong identifier to be exported in certain
circumstances, perhaps resulting in an inappropriate identifier out of
context error.
Version 6.8 (2/6/2002)
- Added support for visit and revisit procedures,
which are relevant for systems that support compile-file:
visit is like load but loads only compile-time
information, and revisit is like load but loads
only run-time information.
- Cleaned up and extended eval-when to handle new situations
visit and revisit.
A translation table that clearly shows what happens with nested
eval-when forms is given in the source.
- Added literal-identifier=?.
literal-identifier=? is similar to
free-identifier=? except that the former equates
top-level identifiers that come from different modules, even if they
do not necessarily resolve to the same binding.
syntax-rules and syntax-case employ
literal-identifier=? to compare identifiers listed in the literals list
against input identifiers.
literal-identifier=? is intended for the
comparison of auxiliary keywords such as
else in cond and case, where
no actual binding is involved.
- Fixed a bug in the portable expander that caused an application of
cdr to the empty list in build-sequence
for top-level modules with no exported definitions other than
reexports, e.g.,
(module m1 (a) (define a 3))
(module m2 (a) (import m1))
(let () (import m2) a)
- Fixed a bug in the portable expander that prevented use of "hidden"
top-level definitions in the output of a macro, e.g.:
(define-syntax counter
(syntax-rules ()
((_ ref incr e)
(define hidden e)
(define ref (lambda () hidden))
(define incr (lambda (n) (set! hidden (+ hidden n))))))))
(counter get bump 17)
(bump 4)
unbound error
- An incompatible change to the expander has been
made to reduce the loss of source information when one macro generates
another macro definition: List and vector structure in the subexpression
of a syntax form is no longer guaranteed to be list and vector structure
in the output form except where pattern variables are contained within
that structure.
For example, #'(a ...), where a is a pattern
variable, is guaranteed to evaluate to a list, but the constant
structure (a b c d), none of a, b,
c, and d are pattern variables, may not.
The practical consequence of this change is that constant
structures must be deconstructed using syntax-case or
syntax-rules rather than car, cdr,
and other list-processing operations.
Version 6.3 (8/30/2000)