Chapter 5. Control Operations

This chapter introduces the syntactic forms and procedures that serve as control structures for Scheme programs, The first section covers the most basic control structure, procedure application, and the remaining sections cover sequencing, conditional evaluation, recursion, mapping, continuations, delayed evaluation, multiple values, and evaluation of programs constructed at run time.

Section 5.1. Procedure Application

syntax: (expr0 expr1 ...)
returns: values of applying the value of expr0 to the values of expr1 ...

Procedure application is the most basic Scheme control structure. Any structured form without a syntax keyword in the first position is a procedure application. The expressions expr0 and expr1 ... are evaluated; each should evaluate to a single value. After each of these expressions has been evaluated, the value of expr0 is applied to the values of expr1 .... If expr0 does not evaluate to a procedure, or if the procedure does not accept the number of arguments provided, an exception with condition type &assertion is raised.

The order in which the procedure and argument expressions are evaluated is unspecified. It may be left to right, right to left, or any other order. The evaluation is guaranteed to be sequential, however: whatever order is chosen, each expression is fully evaluated before evaluation of the next is started.

(+ 3 4) <graphic> 7

((if (odd? 3) + -) 6 2) <graphic> 8

((lambda (x) x) 5) <graphic> 5

(let ([f (lambda (x) (+ x x))])
  (f 8)) <graphic> 16

procedure: (apply procedure obj ... list)
returns: the values of applying procedure to obj ... and the elements of list
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

apply invokes procedure, passing the first obj as the first argument, the second obj as the second argument, and so on for each object in obj ..., and passing the elements of list in order as the remaining arguments. Thus, procedure is called with as many arguments as there are objs plus elements of list.

apply is useful when some or all of the arguments to be passed to a procedure are in a list, since it frees the programmer from explicitly destructuring the list.

(apply + '(4 5)) <graphic> 9

(apply min '(6 8 3 2 5)) <graphic> 2

(apply min  5 1 3 '(6 8 3 2 5)) <graphic> 1

(apply vector 'a 'b '(c d e)) <graphic> #(a b c d e)

(define first
  (lambda (ls)
    (apply (lambda (x . y) x) ls)))
(define rest
  (lambda (ls)
    (apply (lambda (x . y) y) ls)))
(first '(a b c d)) <graphic> a
(rest '(a b c d)) <graphic> (b c d)

(apply append
  '(1 2 3)
  '((a b) (c d e) (f))) <graphic> (1 2 3 a b c d e f)

Section 5.2. Sequencing

syntax: (begin expr1 expr2 ...)
returns: the values of the last subexpression
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

The expressions expr1 expr2 ... are evaluated in sequence from left to right. begin is used to sequence assignments, input/output, or other operations that cause side effects.

(define x 3)
  (set! x (+ x 1))
  (+ x x)) <graphic> 8

A begin form may contain zero or more definitions in place of the expressions expr1 expr2 ..., in which case it is considered to be a definition and may appear only where definitions are valid.

(let ()
  (begin (define x 3) (define y 4))
  (+ x y)) <graphic> 7

This form of begin is primarily used by syntactic extensions that must expand into multiple definitions. (See page 101.)

The bodies of many syntactic forms, including lambda, case-lambda, let, let*, letrec, and letrec*, as well as the result clauses of cond, case, and do, are treated as if they were inside an implicit begin; i.e., the expressions making up the body or result clause are executed in sequence, with the values of the last expression being returned.

(define swap-pair!
  (lambda (x)
    (let ([temp (car x)])
      (set-car! x (cdr x))
      (set-cdr! x temp)
(swap-pair! (cons 'a 'b)) <graphic> (b . a)

Section 5.3. Conditionals

syntax: (if test consequent alternative)
syntax: (if test consequent)
returns: the values of consequent or alternative depending on the value of test
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

The test, consequent, and alternative subforms must be expressions. If test evaluates to a true value (anything other than #f), consequent is evaluated and its values are returned. Otherwise, alternative is evaluated and its values are returned. With the second, "one-armed," form, which has no alternative, the result is unspecified if test evaluates to false.

(let ([ls '(a b c)])
  (if (null? ls)
      (cdr ls))) <graphic> (b c)

(let ([ls '()])
  (if (null? ls)
      (cdr ls))) <graphic> ()

(let ([abs
       (lambda (x)
         (if (< x 0)
             (- 0 x)
  (abs -4)) <graphic> 4

(let ([x -4])
  (if (< x 0)
      (list 'minus (- 0 x))
      (list 'plus 4))) <graphic> (minus 4)

procedure: (not obj)
returns: #t if obj is false, #f otherwise
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

not is equivalent to (lambda (x) (if x #f #t)).

(not #f) <graphic> #t
(not #t) <graphic> #f
(not '()) <graphic> #f
(not (< 4 5)) <graphic> #f

syntax: (and expr ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

If no subexpressions are present, the and form evaluates to #t. Otherwise, and evaluates each subexpression in sequence from left to right until only one subexpression remains or a subexpression returns #f. If one subexpression remains, it is evaluated and its values are returned. If a subexpression returns #f, and returns #f without evaluating the remaining subexpressions. A syntax definition of and appears on page 62.

(let ([x 3])
  (and (> x 2) (< x 4))) <graphic> #t

(let ([x 5])
  (and (> x 2) (< x 4))) <graphic> #f

(and #f '(a b) '(c d)) <graphic> #f
(and '(a b) '(c d) '(e f)) <graphic> (e f)

syntax: (or expr ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

If no subexpressions are present, the or form evaluates to #f. Otherwise, or evaluates each subexpression in sequence from left to right until only one subexpression remains or a subexpression returns a value other than #f. If one subexpression remains, it is evaluated and its values are returned. If a subexpression returns a value other than #f, or returns that value without evaluating the remaining subexpressions. A syntax definition of or appears on page 63.

(let ([x 3])
  (or (< x 2) (> x 4))) <graphic> #f

(let ([x 5])
  (or (< x 2) (> x 4))) <graphic> #t

(or #f '(a b) '(c d)) <graphic> (a b)

syntax: (cond clause1 clause2 ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

Each clause but the last must take one of the forms below.

(test expr1 expr2 ...)
(test => expr)

The last clause may be in any of the above forms, or it may be an "else clause" of the form

(else expr1 expr2 ...)

Each test is evaluated in order until one evaluates to a true value or until all of the tests have been evaluated. If the first clause whose test evaluates to a true value is in the first form given above, the value of test is returned.

If the first clause whose test evaluates to a true value is in the second form given above, the expressions expr1 expr2... are evaluated in sequence and the values of the last expression are returned.

If the first clause whose test evaluates to a true value is in the third form given above, the expression expr is evaluated. The value should be a procedure of one argument, which is applied to the value of test. The values of this application are returned.

If none of the tests evaluates to a true value and an else clause is present, the expressions expr1 expr2 ... of the else clause are evaluated in sequence and the values of the last expression are returned.

If none of the tests evaluates to a true value and no else clause is present, the value or values are unspecified.

See page 305 for a syntax definition of cond.

(let ([x 0])
    [(< x 0) (list 'minus (abs x))]
    [(> x 0) (list 'plus x)]
    [else (list 'zero x)])) <graphic> (zero 0)

(define select
  (lambda (x)
      [(not (symbol? x))]
      [(assq x '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))) => cdr]
      [else 0])))

(select 3) <graphic> #t
(select 'b) <graphic> 2
(select 'e) <graphic> 0

syntax: else
syntax: =>
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs exceptions), (rnrs)

These identifiers are auxiliary keywords for cond. Both also serve as auxiliary keywords for guard, and else also serves as an auxiliary keyword for case. It is a syntax violation to reference these identifiers except in contexts where they are recognized as auxiliary keywords.

syntax: (when test-expr expr1 expr2 ...)
syntax: (unless test-expr expr1 expr2 ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs control), (rnrs)

For when, if test-expr evaluates to a true value, the expressions expr1 expr2 ... are evaluated in sequence, and the values of the last expression are returned. If test-expr evaluates to false, none of the other expressions are evaluated, and the value or values of when are unspecified.

For unless, if test-expr evaluates to false, the expressions expr1 expr2 ... are evaluated in sequence, and the values of the last expression are returned. If test-expr evaluates to a true value, none of the other expressions are evaluated, and the value or values of unless are unspecified.

A when or unless expression is usually clearer than the corresponding "one-armed" if expression.

(let ([x -4] [sign 'plus])
  (when (< x 0)
    (set! x (- 0 x))
    (set! sign 'minus))
  (list sign x)) <graphic> (minus 4)

(define check-pair
  (lambda (x)
    (unless (pair? x)
      (syntax-violation 'check-pair "invalid argument" x))

(check-pair '(a b c)) <graphic> (a b c)

when may be defined as follows:

(define-syntax when
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ e0 e1 e2 ...)
     (if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...))]))

unless may be defined as follows:

(define-syntax unless
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ e0 e1 e2 ...)
     (if (not e0) (begin e1 e2 ...))]))

or in terms of when as follows:

(define-syntax unless
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ e0 e1 e2 ...)
     (when (not e0) e1 e2 ...)]))

syntax: (case expr0 clause1 clause2 ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

Each clause but the last must take the form

((key ...) expr1 expr2 ...)

where each key is a datum distinct from the other keys. The last clause may be in the above form or it may be an else clause of the form

(else expr1 expr2 ...)

expr0 is evaluated and the result is compared (using eqv?) against the keys of each clause in order. If a clause containing a matching key is found, the expressions expr1 expr2 ... are evaluated in sequence and the values of the last expression are returned.

If none of the clauses contains a matching key and an else clause is present, the expressions expr1 expr2 ... of the else clause are evaluated in sequence and the values of the last expression are returned.

If none of the clauses contains a matching key and no else clause is present, the value or values are unspecified.

See page 306 for a syntax definition of case.

(let ([x 4] [y 5])
  (case (+ x y)
    [(1 3 5 7 9) 'odd]
    [(0 2 4 6 8) 'even]
    [else 'out-of-range])) <graphic> odd

Section 5.4. Recursion and Iteration

syntax: (let name ((var expr) ...) body1 body2 ...)
returns: values of the final body expression
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

This form of let, called named let, is a general-purpose iteration and recursion construct. It is similar to the more common form of let (see Section 4.4) in the binding of the variables var ... to the values of expr ... within the body body1 body2 ..., which is processed and evaluated like a lambda body. In addition, the variable name is bound within the body to a procedure that may be called to recur or iterate; the arguments to the procedure become the new values of the variables var ....

A named let expression of the form

(let name ((var expr) ...)
  body1 body2 ...)

can be rewritten with letrec as follows.

((letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) body1 body2 ...)))
 expr ...)

A syntax definition of let that implements this transformation and handles unnamed let as well can be found on page 312.

The procedure divisors defined below uses named let to compute the nontrivial divisors of a nonnegative integer.

(define divisors
  (lambda (n)
    (let f ([i 2])
        [(>= i n) '()]
        [(integer? (/ n i)) (cons i (f (+ i 1)))]
        [else (f (+ i 1))]))))

(divisors 5) <graphic> ()
(divisors 32) <graphic> (2 4 8 16)

The version above is non-tail-recursive when a divisor is found and tail-recursive when a divisor is not found. The version below is fully tail-recursive. It builds up the list in reverse order, but this is easy to remedy, if desired, by reversing the list on exit.

(define divisors
  (lambda (n)
    (let f ([i 2] [ls '()])
        [(>= i n) ls]
        [(integer? (/ n i)) (f (+ i 1) (cons i ls))]
        [else (f (+ i 1) ls)]))))

syntax: (do ((var init update) ...) (test result ...) expr ...)
returns: the values of the last result expression
libraries: (rnrs control), (rnrs)

do allows a common restricted form of iteration to be expressed succinctly. The variables var ... are bound initially to the values of init ... and are rebound on each subsequent iteration to the values of update .... The expressions test, update ..., expr ..., and result ... are all within the scope of the bindings established for var ....

On each step, the test expression test is evaluated. If the value of test is true, iteration ceases, the expressions result ... are evaluated in sequence, and the values of the last expression are returned. If no result expressions are present, the value or values of the do expression are unspecified.

If the value of test is false, the expressions expr ... are evaluated in sequence, the expressions update ... are evaluated, new bindings for var ... to the values of update ... are created, and iteration continues.

The expressions expr ... are evaluated only for effect and are often omitted entirely. Any update expression may be omitted, in which case the effect is the same as if the update were simply the corresponding var.

Although looping constructs in most languages require that the loop iterands be updated via assignment, do requires the loop iterands var ... to be updated via rebinding. In fact, no side effects are involved in the evaluation of a do expression unless they are performed explicitly by its subexpressions.

See page 313 for a syntax definition of do.

The definitions of factorial and fibonacci below are straightforward translations of the tail-recursive named-let versions given in Section 3.2.

(define factorial
  (lambda (n)
    (do ([i n (- i 1)] [a 1 (* a i)])
        ((zero? i) a))))

(factorial 10) <graphic> 3628800

(define fibonacci
  (lambda (n)
    (if (= n 0)
        (do ([i n (- i 1)] [a1 1 (+ a1 a2)] [a2 0 a1])
            ((= i 1) a1)))))

(fibonacci 6) <graphic> 8

The definition of divisors below is similar to the tail-recursive definition of divisors given with the description of named let above.

(define divisors
  (lambda (n)
    (do ([i 2 (+ i 1)]
         [ls '()
             (if (integer? (/ n i))
                 (cons i ls)
        ((>= i n) ls))))

The definition of scale-vector! below, which scales each element of a vector v by a constant k, demonstrates a nonempty do body.

(define scale-vector!
  (lambda (v k)
    (let ([n (vector-length v)])
      (do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
          ((= i n))
        (vector-set! v i (* (vector-ref v i) k))))))

(define vec (vector 1 2 3 4 5))
(scale-vector! vec 2)
vec <graphic> #(2 4 6 8 10)

Section 5.5. Mapping and Folding

When a program must recur or iterate over the elements of a list, a mapping or folding operator is often more convenient. These operators abstract away from null checks and explicit recursion by applying a procedure to the elements of the list one by one. A few mapping operators are also available for vectors and strings.

procedure: (map procedure list1 list2 ...)
returns: list of results
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

map applies procedure to corresponding elements of the lists list1 list2 ... and returns a list of the resulting values. The lists list1 list2 ... must be of the same length. procedure should accept as many arguments as there are lists, should return a single value, and should not mutate the list arguments.

(map abs '(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6)) <graphic> (1 2 3 4 5 6)

(map (lambda (x y) (* x y))
     '(1 2 3 4)
     '(8 7 6 5)) <graphic> (8 14 18 20)

While the order in which the applications themselves occur is not specified, the order of the values in the output list is the same as that of the corresponding values in the input lists.

map might be defined as follows.

(define map
  (lambda (f ls . more)
    (if (null? more)
        (let map1 ([ls ls])
          (if (null? ls)
              (cons (f (car ls))
                    (map1 (cdr ls)))))
        (let map-more ([ls ls] [more more])
          (if (null? ls)
                (apply f (car ls) (map car more))
                (map-more (cdr ls) (map cdr more))))))))

No error checking is done by this version of map; f is assumed to be a procedure and the other arguments are assumed to be proper lists of the same length. An interesting feature of this definition is that map uses itself to pull out the cars and cdrs of the list of input lists; this works because of the special treatment of the single-list case.

procedure: (for-each procedure list1 list2 ...)
returns: unspecified
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

for-each is similar to map except that for-each does not create and return a list of the resulting values, and for-each guarantees to perform the applications in sequence over the elements from left to right. procedure should accept as many arguments as there are lists and should not mutate the list arguments. for-each may be defined without error checks as follows.

(define for-each
  (lambda (f ls . more)
    (do ([ls ls (cdr ls)] [more more (map cdr more)])
        ((null? ls))
      (apply f (car ls) (map car more)))))

(let ([same-count 0])
    (lambda (x y)
      (when (= x y)
        (set! same-count (+ same-count 1))))
    '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
    '(2 3 3 4 7 6))
  same-count) <graphic> 3

procedure: (exists procedure list1 list2 ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs lists), (rnrs)

The lists list1 list2 ... must be of the same length. procedure should accept as many arguments as there are lists and should not mutate the list arguments. If the lists are empty, exists returns #f. Otherwise, exists applies procedure to corresponding elements of the lists list1 list2 ... in sequence until either the lists each have only one element or procedure returns a true value t. In the former case, exists tail-calls procedure, applying it to the remaining element of each list. In the latter case, exists returns t.

(exists symbol? '(1.0 #\a "hi" '())) <graphic> #f

(exists member
        '(a b c)
        '((c b) (b a) (a c))) <graphic> (b a)

(exists (lambda (x y z) (= (+ x y) z))
        '(1 2 3 4)
        '(1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5)
        '(2.3 4.4 6.4 8.6)) <graphic> #t

exists may be defined (somewhat inefficiently and without error checks) as follows:

(define exists
  (lambda (f ls . more)
    (and (not (null? ls))
      (let exists ([x (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)] [more more])
        (if (null? ls)
            (apply f x (map car more))
            (or (apply f x (map car more))
                (exists (car ls) (cdr ls) (map cdr more))))))))

procedure: (for-all procedure list1 list2 ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs lists), (rnrs)

The lists list1 list2 ... must be of the same length. procedure should accept as many arguments as there are lists and should not mutate the list arguments. If the lists are empty, for-all returns #t. Otherwise, for-all applies procedure to corresponding elements of the lists list1 list2 ... in sequence until either the lists each have only one element left or procedure returns #f. In the former case, for-all tail-calls procedure, applying it to the remaining element of each list. In the latter case, for-all returns #f.

(for-all symbol? '(a b c d)) <graphic> #t

(for-all =
         '(1 2 3 4)
         '(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0)) <graphic> #t

(for-all (lambda (x y z) (= (+ x y) z))
         '(1 2 3 4)
         '(1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5)
         '(2.2 4.3 6.5 8.5)) <graphic> #f

for-all may be defined (somewhat inefficiently and without error checks) as follows:

(define for-all
  (lambda (f ls . more)
    (or (null? ls)
      (let for-all ([x (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)] [more more])
        (if (null? ls)
            (apply f x (map car more))
            (and (apply f x (map car more))
                 (for-all (car ls) (cdr ls) (map cdr more))))))))

procedure: (fold-left procedure obj list1 list2 ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs lists), (rnrs)

The list arguments should all have the same length. procedure should accept one more argument than the number of list arguments and return a single value. It should not mutate the list arguments.

fold-left returns obj if the list arguments are empty. If they are not empty, fold-left applies procedure to obj and the cars of list1 list2 ..., then recurs with the value returned by procedure in place of obj and the cdr of each list in place of the list.

(fold-left cons '() '(1 2 3 4)) <graphic> ((((() . 1) . 2) . 3) . 4)

  (lambda (a x) (+ a (* x x)))
  0 '(1 2 3 4 5)) <graphic> 55

  (lambda (a . args) (append args a))
  '(that not to)
  '(is to be)
  '(the be: or)) <graphic> (to be or not to be: that is the question)

procedure: (fold-right procedure obj list1 list2 ...)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs lists), (rnrs)

The list arguments should all have the same length. procedure should accept one more argument than the number of list arguments and return a single value. It should not mutate the list arguments.

fold-right returns obj if the list arguments are empty. If they are not empty, fold-right recurs with the cdr of each list replacing the list, then applies procedure to the cars of list1 list2 ... and the result returned by the recursion.

(fold-right cons '() '(1 2 3 4)) <graphic> (1 2 3 4)

  (lambda (x a) (+ a (* x x)))
  0 '(1 2 3 4 5)) <graphic> 55

  (lambda (x y a) (cons* x y a))   <graphic> (parting is such sweet sorrow
  '((with apologies))                gotta go see ya tomorrow
  '(parting such sorrow go ya)       (with apologies))
  '(is sweet gotta see tomorrow))

procedure: (vector-map procedure vector1 vector1 ...)
returns: vector of results
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

vector-map applies procedure to corresponding elements of vector1 vector2 ... and returns a vector of the resulting values. The vectors vector1 vector2 ... must be of the same length, and procedure should accept as many arguments as there are vectors and return a single value.

(vector-map abs '#(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6)) <graphic> #(1 2 3 4 5 6)
(vector-map (lambda (x y) (* x y))
  '#(1 2 3 4)
  '#(8 7 6 5)) <graphic> #(8 14 18 20)

While the order in which the applications themselves occur is not specified, the order of the values in the output vector is the same as that of the corresponding values in the input vectors.

procedure: (vector-for-each procedure vector1 vector2 ...)
returns: unspecified
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

vector-for-each is similar to vector-map except that vector-for-each does not create and return a vector of the resulting values, and vector-for-each guarantees to perform the applications in sequence over the elements from left to right.

(let ([same-count 0])
    (lambda (x y)
      (when (= x y)
        (set! same-count (+ same-count 1))))
    '#(1 2 3 4 5 6)
    '#(2 3 3 4 7 6))
  same-count) <graphic> 3

procedure: (string-for-each procedure string1 string2 ...)
returns: unspecified
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

string-for-each is similar to for-each and vector-for-each except that the inputs are strings rather than lists or vectors.

(let ([ls '()])
    (lambda r (set! ls (cons r ls)))
  (map list->string (reverse ls))) <graphic> ("a=1" "b=2" "c=3" "d=4")

Section 5.6. Continuations

Continuations in Scheme are procedures that represent the remainder of a computation from a given point in the computation. They may be obtained with call-with-current-continuation, which can be abbreviated to call/cc.

procedure: (call/cc procedure)
procedure: (call-with-current-continuation procedure)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

These procedures are the same. The shorter name is often used for the obvious reason that it requires fewer keystrokes to type.

call/cc obtains its continuation and passes it to procedure, which should accept one argument. The continuation itself is represented by a procedure. Each time this procedure is applied to zero or more values, it returns the values to the continuation of the call/cc application. That is, when the continuation procedure is called, it returns its arguments as the values of the application of call/cc.

If procedure returns normally when passed the continuation procedure, the values returned by call/cc are the values returned by procedure.

Continuations allow the implementation of nonlocal exits, backtracking [14,29], coroutines [16], and multitasking [10,32].

The example below illustrates the use of a continuation to perform a nonlocal exit from a loop.

(define member
  (lambda (x ls)
      (lambda (break)
        (do ([ls ls (cdr ls)])
            ((null? ls) #f)
          (when (equal? x (car ls))
            (break ls)))))))

(member 'd '(a b c)) <graphic> #f
(member 'b '(a b c)) <graphic> (b c)

Additional examples are given in Sections 3.3 and 12.11.

The current continuation is typically represented internally as a stack of procedure activation records, and obtaining the continuation involves encapsulating the stack within a procedural object. Since an encapsulated stack has indefinite extent, some mechanism must be used to preserve the stack contents indefinitely. This can be done with surprising ease and efficiency and with no impact on programs that do not use continuations [17].

procedure: (dynamic-wind in body out)
returns: values resulting from the application of body
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

dynamic-wind offers "protection" from continuation invocation. It is useful for performing tasks that must be performed whenever control enters or leaves body, either normally or by continuation application.

The three arguments in, body, and out must be procedures and should accept zero arguments, i.e., they should be thunks. Before applying body, and each time body is entered subsequently by the application of a continuation created within body, the in thunk is applied. Upon normal exit from body and each time body is exited by the application of a continuation created outside body, the out thunk is applied.

Thus, it is guaranteed that in is invoked at least once. In addition, if body ever returns, out is invoked at least once.

The following example demonstrates the use of dynamic-wind to be sure that an input port is closed after processing, regardless of whether the processing completes normally.

(let ([p (open-input-file "input-file")])
    (lambda () #f)
    (lambda () (process p))
    (lambda () (close-port p))))

Common Lisp provides a similar facility (unwind-protect) for protection from nonlocal exits. This is often sufficient. unwind-protect provides only the equivalent to out, however, since Common Lisp does not support fully general continuations. Here is how unwind-protect might be specified with dynamic-wind.

(define-syntax unwind-protect
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ body cleanup ...)
       (lambda () #f)
       (lambda () body)
       (lambda () cleanup ...))]))

   (let ([x 'a])
     (lambda (k)
         (k (lambda () x))
         (set! x 'b)))))) <graphic> b

Some Scheme implementations support a controlled form of assignment known as fluid binding, in which a variable takes on a temporary value during a given computation and reverts to the old value after the computation has completed. The syntactic form fluid-let defined below in terms of dynamic-wind permits the fluid binding of a single variable x to the value of an expression e within a the body b1 b2 ....

(define-syntax fluid-let
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ ((x e)) b1 b2 ...)
     (let ([y e])
       (let ([swap (lambda () (let ([t x]) (set! x y) (set! y t)))])
         (dynamic-wind swap (lambda () b1 b2 ...) swap)))]))

Implementations that support fluid-let typically extend it to allow an indefinite number of (x e) pairs, as with let.

If no continuations are invoked within the body of a fluid-let, the behavior is the same as if the variable were simply assigned the new value on entry and assigned the old value on return.

(let ([x 3])
  (+ (fluid-let ([x 5])
     x)) <graphic> 8

A fluid-bound variable also reverts to the old value if a continuation created outside of the fluid-let is invoked.

(let ([x 'a])
  (let ([f (lambda () x)])
    (cons (call/cc
            (lambda (k)
              (fluid-let ([x 'b])
                (k (f)))))
          (f)))) <graphic> (b . a)

If control has left a fluid-let body, either normally or by the invocation of a continuation, and control reenters the body by the invocation of a continuation, the temporary value of the fluid-bound variable is reinstated. Furthermore, any changes to the temporary value are maintained and reflected upon reentry.

(define reenter #f)
(define x 0)
(fluid-let ([x 1])
  (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! reenter k)))
  (set! x (+ x 1))
  x) <graphic> 2
<graphic> 0
(reenter '*) <graphic> 3
(reenter '*) <graphic> 4
<graphic> 0

A library showing how dynamic-wind might be implemented were it not already built in is given below. In addition to defining dynamic-wind, the code defines a version of call/cc that does its part to support dynamic-wind.

(library (dynamic-wind)
  (export dynamic-wind call/cc
    (rename (call/cc call-with-current-continuation)))
  (import (rename (except (rnrs) dynamic-wind) (call/cc rnrs:call/cc)))

  (define winders '())

  (define common-tail
    (lambda (x y)
      (let ([lx (length x)] [ly (length y)])
        (do ([x (if (> lx ly) (list-tail x (- lx ly)) x) (cdr x)]
             [y (if (> ly lx) (list-tail y (- ly lx)) y) (cdr y)])
            ((eq? x y) x)))))

  (define do-wind
    (lambda (new)
      (let ([tail (common-tail new winders)])
        (let f ([ls winders])
          (if (not (eq? ls tail))
                (set! winders (cdr ls))
                ((cdar ls))
                (f (cdr ls)))))
        (let f ([ls new])
          (if (not (eq? ls tail))
                (f (cdr ls))
                ((caar ls))
                (set! winders ls)))))))

  (define call/cc
    (lambda (f)
        (lambda (k)
          (f (let ([save winders])
               (lambda (x)
                 (unless (eq? save winders) (do-wind save))
                 (k x))))))))

  (define dynamic-wind
    (lambda (in body out)
      (set! winders (cons (cons in out) winders))
      (let-values ([ans* (body)])
        (set! winders (cdr winders))
        (apply values ans*)))))

Together, dynamic-wind and call/cc manage a list of winders. A winder is a pair of in and out thunks established by a call to dynamic-wind. Whenever dynamic-wind is invoked, the in thunk is invoked, a new winder containing the in and out thunks is placed on the winders list, the body thunk is invoked, the winder is removed from the winders list, and the out thunk is invoked. This ordering ensures that the winder is on the winders list only when control has passed through in and not yet entered out. Whenever a continuation is obtained, the winders list is saved, and whenever the continuation is invoked, the saved winders list is reinstated. During reinstatement, the out thunk of each winder on the current winders list that is not also on the saved winders list is invoked, followed by the in thunk of each winder on the saved winders list that is not also on the current winders list. The winders list is updated incrementally, again to ensure that a winder is on the current winders list only if control has passed through its in thunk and not entered its out thunk.

The test (not (eq? save winders)) performed in call/cc is not strictly necessary but makes invoking a continuation less costly whenever the saved winders list is the same as the current winders list.

Section 5.7. Delayed Evaluation

The syntactic form delay and the procedure force may be used in combination to implement lazy evaluation. An expression subject to lazy evaluation is not evaluated until its value is required and, once evaluated, is never reevaluated.

syntax: (delay expr)
returns: a promise
procedure: (force promise)
returns: result of forcing promise
libraries: (rnrs r5rs)

The first time a promise created by delay is forced (with force), it evaluates expr, "remembering" the resulting value. Thereafter, each time the promise is forced, it returns the remembered value instead of reevaluating expr.

delay and force are typically used only in the absence of side effects, e.g., assignments, so that the order of evaluation is unimportant.

The benefit of using delay and force is that some amount of computation might be avoided altogether if it is delayed until absolutely required. Delayed evaluation may be used to construct conceptually infinite lists, or streams. The example below shows how a stream abstraction may be built with delay and force. A stream is a promise that, when forced, returns a pair whose cdr is a stream.

(define stream-car
  (lambda (s)
    (car (force s))))

(define stream-cdr
  (lambda (s)
    (cdr (force s))))

(define counters
  (let next ([n 1])
    (delay (cons n (next (+ n 1))))))

(stream-car counters) <graphic> 1

(stream-car (stream-cdr counters)) <graphic> 2

(define stream-add
  (lambda (s1 s2)
    (delay (cons
             (+ (stream-car s1) (stream-car s2))
             (stream-add (stream-cdr s1) (stream-cdr s2))))))

(define even-counters
  (stream-add counters counters))

(stream-car even-counters) <graphic> 2

(stream-car (stream-cdr even-counters)) <graphic> 4

delay may be defined by

(define-syntax delay
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ expr) (make-promise (lambda () expr))]))

where make-promise might be defined as follows.

(define make-promise
  (lambda (p)
    (let ([val #f] [set? #f])
      (lambda ()
        (unless set?
          (let ([x (p)])
            (unless set?
              (set! val x)
              (set! set? #t))))

With this definition of delay, force simply invokes the promise to force evaluation or to retrieve the saved value.

(define force
  (lambda (promise)

The second test of the variable set? in make-promise is necessary in the event that, as a result of applying p, the promise is recursively forced. Since a promise must always return the same value, the result of the first application of p to complete is returned.

Whether delay and force handle multiple return values is unspecified; the implementation given above does not, but the following version does, with the help of call-with-values and apply.

(define make-promise
  (lambda (p)
    (let ([vals #f] [set? #f])
      (lambda ()
        (unless set?
          (call-with-values p
            (lambda x
              (unless set?
                (set! vals x)
                (set! set? #t)))))
        (apply values vals)))))

(define p (delay (values 1 2 3)))
(force p) <graphic> 1
(call-with-values (lambda () (force p)) +) <graphic> 6

Neither implementation is quite right, since force must raise an exception with condition type &assertion if its argument is not a promise. Since distinguishing procedures created by make-promise from other procedures is impossible, force cannot do so reliably. The following reimplementation of make-promise and force represents promises as records of the type promise to allow force to make the required check.

(define-record-type promise
  (fields (immutable p) (mutable vals) (mutable set?))
  (protocol (lambda (new) (lambda (p) (new p #f #f)))))

(define force
  (lambda (promise)
    (unless (promise? promise)
      (assertion-violation 'promise "invalid argument" promise))
    (unless (promise-set? promise)
      (call-with-values (promise-p promise)
        (lambda x
          (unless (promise-set? promise)
            (promise-vals-set! promise x)
            (promise-set?-set! promise #t)))))
    (apply values (promise-vals promise))))

Section 5.8. Multiple Values

While all Scheme primitives and most user-defined procedures return exactly one value, some programming problems are best solved by returning zero values, more than one value, or even a variable number of values. For example, a procedure that partitions a list of values into two sublists needs to return two values. While it is possible for the producer of multiple values to package them into a data structure and for the consumer to extract them, it is often cleaner to use the built-in multiple-values interface. This interface consists of two procedures: values and call-with-values. The former produces multiple values and the latter links procedures that produce multiple-value values with procedures that consume them.

procedure: (values obj ...)
returns: obj ...
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

The procedure values accepts any number of arguments and simply passes (returns) the arguments to its continuation.

(values) <graphic>

(values 1) <graphic> 1

(values 1 2 3) <graphic> 1

(define head&tail
  (lambda (ls)
    (values (car ls) (cdr ls))))

(head&tail '(a b c)) <graphic> a
                      (b c)

procedure: (call-with-values producer consumer)
returns: see below
libraries: (rnrs base), (rnrs)

producer and consumer must be procedures. call-with-values applies consumer to the values returned by invoking producer without arguments.

  (lambda () (values 'bond 'james))
  (lambda (x y) (cons y x))) <graphic> (james . bond)

(call-with-values values list) <graphic> '()

In the second example, values itself serves as the producer. It receives no arguments and thus returns no values. list is thus applied to no arguments and so returns the empty list.

The procedure dxdy defined below computes the change in x and y coordinates for a pair of points whose coordinates are represented by (x . y) pairs.

(define dxdy
  (lambda (p1 p2)
    (values (- (car p2) (car p1))
            (- (cdr p2) (cdr p1)))))

(dxdy '(0 . 0) '(0 . 5)) <graphic> 0

dxdy can be used to compute the length and slope of a segment represented by two endpoints.

(define segment-length
  (lambda (p1 p2)
      (lambda () (dxdy p1 p2))
      (lambda (dx dy) (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))))))

(define segment-slope
  (lambda (p1 p2)
      (lambda () (dxdy p1 p2))
      (lambda (dx dy) (/ dy dx)))))

(segment-length '(1 . 4) '(4 . 8)) <graphic> 5
(segment-slope '(1 . 4) '(4 . 8)) <graphic> 4/3

We can of course combine these to form one procedure that returns two values.

(define describe-segment
  (lambda (p1 p2)
      (lambda () (dxdy p1 p2))
      (lambda (dx dy)
          (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))
          (/ dy dx))))))

(describe-segment '(1 . 4) '(4 . 8)) <graphic> 5
                                     <graphic> 4/3

The example below employs multiple values to divide a list nondestructively into two sublists of alternating elements.

(define split
  (lambda (ls)
    (if (or (null? ls) (null? (cdr ls)))
        (values ls '())
          (lambda () (split (cddr ls)))
          (lambda (odds evens)
            (values (cons (car ls) odds)
                    (cons (cadr ls) evens)))))))

(split '(a b c d e f)) <graphic> (a c e)
                        (b d f)

At each level of recursion, the procedure split returns two values: a list of the odd-numbered elements from the argument list and a list of the even-numbered elements.

The continuation of a call to values need not be one established by a call to call-with-values, nor must only values be used to return to a continuation established by call-with-values. In particular, (values e) and e are equivalent expressions. For example:

(+ (values 2) 4) <graphic> 6

(if (values #t) 1 2) <graphic> 1

  (lambda () 4)
  (lambda (x) x)) <graphic> 4

Similarly, values may be used to pass any number of values to a continuation that ignores the values, as in the following.

(begin (values 1 2 3) 4) <graphic> 4

Because a continuation may accept zero or more than one value, continuations obtained via call/cc may accept zero or more than one argument.

  (lambda ()
    (call/cc (lambda (k) (k 2 3))))
  (lambda (x y) (list x y))) <graphic> (2 3)

The behavior is unspecified when a continuation expecting exactly one value receives zero values or more than one value. For example, the behavior of each of the following expressions is unspecified. Some implementations raise an exception, while others silently suppress additional values or supply defaults for missing values.

(if (values 1 2) 'x 'y)

(+ (values) 5)

Programs that wish to force extra values to be ignored in particular contexts can do so easily by calling call-with-values explicitly. A syntactic form, which we might call first, can be defined to abstract the discarding of more than one value when only one is desired.

(define-syntax first
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ expr)
       (lambda () expr)
       (lambda (x . y) x))]))

(if (first (values #t #f)) 'a 'b) <graphic> a

Since implementations are required to raise an exception with condition type &assertion if a procedure does not accept the number of arguments passed to it, each of the following raises an exception.

  (lambda () (values 2 3 4))
  (lambda (x y) x))

  (lambda () (call/cc (lambda (k) (k 0))))
  (lambda (x y) x))

Since producer is most often a lambda expression, it is often convenient to use a syntactic extension that suppresses the lambda expression in the interest of readability.

(define-syntax with-values
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ expr consumer)
     (call-with-values (lambda () expr) consumer)]))

(with-values (values 1 2) list) <graphic> (1 2)
(with-values (split '(1 2 3 4))
  (lambda (odds evens)
    evens)) <graphic> (2 4)

If the consumer is also a lambda expression, the multiple-value variants of let and let* described in Section 4.5 are usually even more convenient.

(let-values ([(odds evens) (split '(1 2 3 4))])
  evens) <graphic> (2 4)

(let-values ([ls (values 'a 'b 'c)])
  ls) <graphic> (a b c)

Many standard syntactic forms and procedures pass along multiple values. Most of these are "automatic," in the sense that nothing special must be done by the implementation to make this happen. The usual expansion of let into a direct lambda call automatically propagates multiple values produced by the body of the let. Other operators must be coded specially to pass along multiple values. The call-with-port procedure (page 7.6), for example, calls its procedure argument, then closes the port argument before returning the procedure's values, so it must save the values temporarily. This is easily accomplished via let-values, apply, and values:

(define call-with-port
  (lambda (port proc)
    (let-values ([val* (proc port)])
      (close-port port)
      (apply values val*))))

If this seems like too much overhead when a single value is returned, the code can use call-with-values and case-lambda to handle the single-value case more efficiently:

(define call-with-port
  (lambda (port proc)
    (call-with-values (lambda () (proc port))
        [(val) (close-port port) val]
        [val* (close-port port) (apply values val*)]))))

The definitions of values and call-with-values (and concomitant redefinition of call/cc) in the library below demonstrate that the multiple-return-values interface could be implemented in Scheme if it were not already built in. No error checking can be done, however, for the case in which more than one value is returned to a single-value context, such as the test part of an if expression.

(library (mrvs)
  (export call-with-values values call/cc
    (rename (call/cc call-with-current-continuation)))
      (except (rnrs) values call-with-values)
      (call/cc rnrs:call/cc)))

  (define magic (cons 'multiple 'values))

  (define magic?
    (lambda (x)
      (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) magic))))

  (define call/cc
    (lambda (p)
        (lambda (k)
          (p (lambda args
               (k (apply values args))))))))

  (define values
    (lambda args
      (if (and (not (null? args)) (null? (cdr args)))
          (car args)
          (cons magic args))))

  (define call-with-values
    (lambda (producer consumer)
      (let ([x (producer)])
        (if (magic? x)
            (apply consumer (cdr x))
            (consumer x))))))

Multiple values can be implemented more efficiently [2], but this code serves to illustrate the meanings of the operators and may be used to provide multiple values in older, nonstandard implementations that do not support them.

Section 5.9. Eval

Scheme's eval procedure allows programmers to write programs that construct and evaluate other programs. This ability to do run-time meta programming should not be overused but is handy when needed.

procedure: (eval obj environment)
returns: values of the Scheme expression represented by obj in environment
libraries: (rnrs eval)

If obj does not represent a syntactically valid expression, eval raises an exception with condition type &syntax. The environments returned by environment, scheme-report-environment, and null-environment are immutable. Thus, eval also raises an exception with condition type &syntax if an assignment to any of the variables in the environment appears within the expression.

(define cons 'not-cons)
(eval '(let ([x 3]) (cons x 4)) (environment '(rnrs))) <graphic> (3 . 4)

(define lambda 'not-lambda)
(eval '(lambda (x) x) (environment '(rnrs))) <graphic> #<procedure>

(eval '(cons 3 4) (environment)) <graphic> exception

procedure: (environment import-spec ...)
returns: an environment
libraries: (rnrs eval)

environment returns an environment formed from the combined bindings of the given import specifiers. Each import-spec must be an s-expression representing a valid import specifier (see Chapter 10).

(define env (environment '(rnrs) '(prefix (rnrs lists) $)))
(eval '($cons* 3 4 (* 5 8)) env) <graphic> (3 4 . 40)

procedure: (null-environment version)
procedure: (scheme-report-environment version)
returns: an R5RS compatibility environment
libraries: (rnrs r5rs)

version must be the exact integer 5.

null-environment returns an environment containing bindings for the keywords whose meanings are defined by the Revised5 Report on Scheme, along with bindings for the auxiliary keywords else, =>, ..., and _.

scheme-report-environment returns an environment containing the same keyword bindings as the environment returned by null-environment along with bindings for the variables whose meanings are defined by the Revised5 Report on Scheme, except those not defined by the Revised6 Report: load, interaction-environment, transcript-on, transcript-off, and char-ready?.

The bindings for each of the identifiers in the environments returned by these procedures are those of the corresponding Revised6 Report library, so this does not provide full backward compatibility, even if the excepted identifier bindings are not used.

R. Kent Dybvig / The Scheme Programming Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2009 The MIT Press. Electronically reproduced by permission.
Illustrations © 2009 Jean-Pierre Hébert
ISBN 978-0-262-51298-5 / LOC QA76.73.S34D93
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